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DeviceManager interface

interface IDeviceManager

Description: Device Management interface includes methods for managing devices, such as adding or removing devices

method isSingleControl

fun isSingleControl(): Boolean

Description: whether the mesh is single control

Input parameters: None

Output parameter: whether the mesh is single control

Related parameters: None

method isNetMesh

fun isNetMesh(): Boolean

Description: whether the mesh is net

Input parameters: None

Output parameter: whether the mesh is net

Related parameters: None

method getDroneDevices

fun getDroneDevices(): List<IAutelDroneDevice>

Description: Gets the aircraft list

Input parameters: None

Output parameter: Returns the autel drone device list

Related parameters: None

method getRemoteDevices

fun getRemoteInfoList(): List<DeviceInfoBean>

Description: Get list of remote devices

Input parameters: None

Output parameter: Returns the autel remote device list

Related parameters: None

method getDroneDeviceById

fun getDroneDeviceById(deviceId: Int): IAutelDroneDevice?

Description: Gets drone by device number

Input parameters: deviceId: Device Number

Output parameter: Returns the IAutelDroneDevice object,if no drone device is available, the function will return null.

Related parameters: None

method getLocalRemoteDevice

fun getLocalRemoteDevice(): RemoteDevice

Description: Get local remote control information

Input parameters: None

Output parameter: Returns the remote control device

Related parameters: None

method getFirstDroneDevice

fun getFirstDroneDevice(): IAutelDroneDevice?

Description: Get the first drone device

Input parameters: None

Output parameter: the first drone device

Related parameters:None

method getFirstRemoteDevice

fun getFirstRemoteDevice(): IAutelRemoteDevice?

Description: Get the first remote device

Input parameters: None

Output parameter: the first remote device Related parameters:None

method addDroneListener

fun addDroneListener(listener: IAutelDroneListener)

Description: Add monitor flight device connection status changes

Input parameters: listener: callback when device connection status changes

Output parameters: None

Related parameters: None

method removeDroneListener

fun removeDroneListener(listener: IAutelDroneListener)

Description: remove monitor of flight device connection status changes

Input parameters: listener: callback when device connection status changes

Output parameters: None

Related parameters: None

method getConnectedDeviceIds

fun getConnectedDeviceIds(): List<Int>

Description: Get the device ID set of the connected drone

Input parameters: None

Output parameters: Return the device ID set of the connected drone

Related parameters: None

method isConnected

fun isConnected(): Boolean

Description: Check whether the drone is connected

Input parameters: None

Output parameters: true: connected, false: disconnect

Related parameters: None

method addCameraListener

fun addCameraListener(listener: IAutelCameraListener)

Description: Add camera status monitoring

Input parameters: listener: Callback when camera status changed

Output parameters: None

Related parameters: None

method removeCameraListener

fun removeCameraListener(listener: IAutelCameraListener)

Description: Remove camera status monitoring

Input parameters: listener: Callback when camera status changed

Output parameters: None

Related parameters: None

method isPreFlightOK

fun isPreFlightOK(): Bolean

Description: Pre-flight inspection, if everything is normal, you can fly

Input parameters: None

Output parameters: Whether is normal

Related parameters: None

method addDroneDevicesListener

fun <Result> addDroneDevicesListener(
key: AutelKey<Result>,
callbacks: DeviceManager.KeyManagerListenerCallBack

Description: Add Multi-machine monitoring interface

Input parameters: key: The AutelKey you need to monitor callbacks: Callbacks for result

Output parameters: None

Related parameters: None

method removeDroneDevicesListener

fun <Result> removeDroneDevicesListener(
key: AutelKey<Result>,
callbacks: DeviceManager.KeyManagerListenerCallBack

Description: remove Multi-machine monitoring interface

Input parameters: key: The AutelKey you need to monitor callbacks: Callbacks for result

Output parameters: None

Related parameters: None

method getLensMap

fun getLensMap(): MutableMap<GimbalTypeEnum, Map<LensTypeEnum, Int>>

Description: Get all the gimbals

Input parameters: None

Output parameters: list of gimbals

Related parameters: None

method getCameraSupport

fun getCameraSupport(gimbalType: GimbalTypeEnum, callback: (ICameraSupport2?) -> Unit)

Description: Get the capability set of the specified gimbal

Input parameters: gimbalType: Gimbal type callback: callback for result

Output parameters: None

Related parameters: None

method getModemMode

fun getModemMode(): ModemModeEnum

Description: Get current CP Mode,P2P or Mesh

Input parameters: None

Output parameters: CP Mode

Related parameters: None


Description: enum of CP Mode

enum class ModemModeEnum(var value: Int) {
/** P2P */
/** Mesh*/